Advanced Database Persistence for Java

Examples & Reference Manual


Welcome to HotRod!

HotRod is a lightweight ORM for MyBatis. It generates and updates Java code and XML mappers automatically.

HotRod is also developing support for Spring JDCB and this generator is in experimental mode as of version 1.0.0.

HotRod's main goal is to dramatically reduce the amount of time devoted to writing and debugging the persistence layer of a Java application. HotRod uses JDBC to retrieve the structure of an existing database and generates all DAO Java classes that expose simple Java methods to perform all interaction with the database.

Simple Operations Available Out of the Box

All basic operations are made automatically available, including CRUD (simple insert, select, update, delete), foreign key navigation, selection using unique indexes, and select, update, delete by example queries.

Full Standard SQL

Yes, full-fledged standard (parameterized) SQL statements are totally automated. The developer provides the SQL, and HotRod takes care of the rest generating fully-named, fully-typed Java classes.

Native SQL

Yes, all tweaks of the native non-standard (parameterized) SQL are supported: think using non-standard functions, limit returned rows, hinting of execution plans, in-memory storage, access uncommitted data, etc. The developer provides the native SQL, and HotRod takes care of the rest generating fully-named, fully-typed Java classes.

Dynamic SQL

Adds the capabilities of MyBatis Dynamic SQL to the Standard and Native SQL. Dynamic SQL statements vary at runtime depending on the received parameter values.


The developer doesn't see any JDBC code anymore. Nada, nil, zip! Tables and views are abstracted as Java classes. Columns become fully-typed Java properties. SQL queries become parameterized Java methods. SQL selects become Java classes.

Lightweight ORM

Implements a straightforward lean O/R mapping that promotes high database performance. Does not implement table inheritance, aggregation or composition. It doesn't use heavy objects, no entity EBJs, no obscure caching, no Byzantine layer of abstraction.

Superior Development Speed

HotRod focuses on automating all the persistence coding it can. Simple database operations are automated out of the box. Complex SQL queries are greatly automated ensuring fully typed, fully named Java columns for all SQL selects.

Relational Database Performance

HotRod understands that relational databases are naturally not object oriented and hence leans toward squeezing relational database performance from your RDBMS instead of forcibly trying to abstract all their aspects in an OO model. Most commonly tables act as object containers; however, other database constructs such as sequences, views, SQL select, SQL updates, etc. do not follow this paradigm, and are more suitable to procedural usage than OO modeling.

Custom Logic

All generated DAOs support adding custom logic to them. Upon database changes they can be rapidly regenerated without losing the custom logic.

Full Transaction Support

Includes simplified MyBatis transactions and standard MyBatis transactions, and JTA (if supported by the JDBC driver and RDBMS).


Default DAO names, properties, Java method names, Java property types, etc. can be overridden by the developer as needed.

Major Database Players

HotRod supports Oracle database, IBM DB2, SAP ASE (ex-Sybase), Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, HyperSQL (HSQLDB), and H2 databases.