Advanced Database Persistence for Java Examples & Reference Manual |
HotRod's MyBatis Generator generates all DAO classes, mappers, and MyBatis configuration file ready to be used by your application.
The example shown below, taken from the Hello World example application, shows a typical configuration for the MyBatis Generator:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE hotrod SYSTEM "hotrod.dtd"> <hotrod> <generators> <mybatis> <daos gen-base-dir="auto-generated/java" dao-package="daos" /> <mappers gen-base-dir="auto-generated/mappers" relative-dir="persistence" /> <mybatis-configuration-template file="mybatis-template.xml" /> <session-factory singleton-full-class-name="sessionfactory.DatabaseSessionFactory" /> <select-generation temp-view-base-name="hotrod_temp_view" /> </mybatis> </generators> <table name="vehicle"> <auto-generated-column name="id" /> </table> </hotrod>
tag is added inside the
tag and includes all the configuration options the MyBatis Generator
needs to produce fully functional MyBatis code.
tag provides the details of the MyBatis Generator. It includes:
tag, and
tag indicates where the DAO Java classes are going to be placed and
how their names are going to be produced. Its attributes are:
Attribute | Description | Required |
gen-base-dir | The base dir of the source Java classes. This is the base dir where the Java packages will be created on. | Yes |
dao-package | The base package of the DAO Java classes. The base
package adds directories to place the DAO Java classes inside
the gen-base-dir attribute.
Yes |
primitives-package | Specifies the extra package added to the DAO primitive
Java classes. Defaults to: primitives
No |
dao-prefix | Specifies the prefix to prepend to the DAO Java class name. Defaults to an empty string, i.e. no prefix. | No |
dao-suffix | Specifies the suffix to append to the DAO Java class
name. Defaults to: DAO
No |
primitives-prefix | Specifies the prefix to prepend to the DAO Primitives Java class name. Defaults to an empty string, i.e. no prefix. | No |
primitives-suffix | Specifies the suffix to append to the DAO Primitives Java
class name. Defaults to: Primitives
No |
tag indicates where the mappers are going to be placed. Its attributes
Attribute | Description | Required |
gen-base-dir | The base dir of the generated MyBatis mapper files.
Mapper files will be places in the relative-dir
directory based on this gen-base-dir .
Yes |
relative-dir | This is the relative dir where the MyBatis mapper files
will be generated. This directory is relative to the gen-base-dir .
The relative-dir is the directory the main MyBatis
configuration file will use to reference the mapper files.
Yes |
tag specifies which template file will be used to generate the main
MyBatis configuration file. Since the MyBatis configuration options
are abundant, HotRod's MyBatis Generator takes a template file
prepared by the developer and adds the full list of generated mappers
to it. The template file is not rewritten, but a new ready-to-use file
is produced in the mappers dir with the name
For details on the MyBatis configuration file please see the MyBatis
documentation. As a brief overview, this file specifies the data
source properties, as well as many MyBatis tweaks, and JDBC
properties. The template file, however, includes an empty
tag that will be replaced will the full list of mappers in the
resulting from the code generation.
The attributes of the
tag are:
Attribute | Description | Required |
file | The path and name of the MyBatis configuration template file. | Yes |
tag specifies the Java singleton class the developer will provide to
produce MyBatis SQLSession objects all the DAOs need to operate. Its
attributes are:
Attribute | Description | Required |
singleton-full-class-name | The full class name of the singleton class that will be used by the DAOs to produce SQLSession objects. | Yes |
tag specifies the details of the temporary database views HotRod will
create to process the
tags. The full explanation is quite technical, but suffice is to say
that HotRod needs to create some temporary database views in the
development schemas (never in test or production) that are deleted
right away during the code generation. HotRod, however, needs a base
name to use when creating them so to avoid name conflicts with any
existing application view. Its attributes are:
Attribute | Description | Required |
temp-view-base-name | The base name to create temporary database views in the
development database. Choose a base name not used in your
database and that clearly indicates the purpose of the view,
such as hotrod-temp-view . All temp views will use
this value and append a consecutive number to it when created.
Yes |
Note: if you use the
tag your database user must have privileges to create and to drop
database views in the database schema where you are developing the