Advanced Database Persistence for Java

Examples & Reference Manual


Ant Task

HotRod is run using an Ant Task. This can be run on the command line or over any IDE such as Eclipse.

The HotRod Ant Task requires the HotRod library to be in the classpath, as well as the JDBC driver of your particular database. First, the task needs to be declared in the Ant file using a <taskdef> tag as in:

<taskdef name="hotrod" classname="org.hotrod.ant.HotRodAntTask">
        <pathelement location="lib/hotrod/hotrod-1.0.0.jar" />
        <pathelement location="lib/drivers/ojdbc6.jar" />

Once the hotrod task is defined it can be used as in:

    <hotrod url="jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:12345/db001"
            display="list" />

The <hotrod> Ant task parameters are:

Attribute Description Required
url The JDBC URL to connect to the live database. Yes
driverclass The driver class of the JDBC driver. Yes
username The database username. Yes
password The database password. Yes
catalog The database catalog. If not known, leave it blank and run HotRod to list all available values. Yes
schema The database schema. If not known, leave it blank and run HotRod to list all available values. Yes
generator Currently the MyBatis generator is fully supported. The SpringJDBC generator is in experimental mode. Yes
configfile The location of the configuration file that includes all tables, view, SQL, etc. Yes
facets The comma-separated list of facets that will be included in the code generation. If left blank, all facets are included. No
display Controls how much details the HotRod task shows when running: list shows the list of the included database objects as well as the summary;  summary only includes the summary line. Defaults to list. No