Advanced Database Persistence for Java Examples & Reference Manual |
All examples are ready to be run using Apache Ant. They can be run from Eclipse or, if you prefer, from the command line.
To run an example you must start the database and prepare the tables and data. Then you can use HotRod to generate all DAO classes. Finally you can run your application that uses the DAO classes.
First, let's load the Ant
file in Eclipse:
-> Show
-> Ant
). This opens the Ant window that is
(for now) empty.
file in the example folder
and drag an drop it into the Ant window you just opened.
entry in the Ant window
(click on the left arrow icon). Now you can see all the available
tasks Ant can do for you (“targets” in Ant lingo).
Don't click on them yet! Double-clicking will execute them.
All examples run against a local H2 database. H2 is a full featured open source RDBMS. It can be easily started and stopped and makes the examples run more easily.
To start the H2 database find the task
and double-click on it. The console window will open and show
something like:
Buildfile: examples/mybatis/helloworld/build.xml start-h2-database: -issue-h2-start: [echo] [ H2 local database has been started ] -h2-already-started: BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 365 milliseconds
This means the database is now up and running! Yes running... but also empty. If you're not sure H2 is started, it's safe to run this task multiple times; if H2 is already up it won't start it again.
To initialize the database tables and sample data find the task
and double click on it. The console window will open and show
something like:
Buildfile: examples/mybatis/helloworld/build.xml initialize-database: [sql] Executing resource: examples/mybatis/helloworld/prepare-database.sql [sql] 0 rows affected [sql] 0 rows affected [sql] 1 rows affected [sql] 1 rows affected [sql] 1 rows affected [sql] 5 of 5 SQL statements executed successfully [echo] [ Database tables and data initialized ] BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 895 milliseconds
All tables and data are now created.
To run HotRod and generate all DAO classes find the task
and double click on it. The console window will open and show
something like:
Buildfile: examples/mybatis/helloworld/build.xml hotrod: [delete] Deleting directory examples/mybatis/helloworld/auto-generated [mkdir] Created dir: examples/mybatis/helloworld/auto-generated/java [mkdir] Created dir: examples/mybatis/helloworld/auto-generated/mappers [hotrod] HotRod version 3.0 (build 20170124-131633) [hotrod] [hotrod] Database URL: jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:12345/db001;IFEXISTS=TRUE [hotrod] Database Name: H2 - version 1.3 (1.3.176 (2014-04-05)) [hotrod] JDBC Driver: H2 JDBC Driver - version 1.3 (1.3.176 (2014-04-05)) [hotrod] [hotrod] HotRod Database Adapter: H2 Adapter [hotrod] Database Catalog: DB001 [hotrod] Database Schema: PUBLIC [hotrod] [hotrod] Generating all facets. [hotrod] [hotrod] Table VEHICLE included. [hotrod] [hotrod] Generating MyBatis DAOs for 1 table, 0 views, 0 DAOs (0 sequences, 0 updates), and 0 select queries... [hotrod] [hotrod] MyBatis generation complete. BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 882 milliseconds
HotRod connected to the database and generated all DAO classes for the tables specified in the configuration file.
Now all the DAOs (and MyBatis mappers) are ready to run your example
application. Find the task for the example with the name
(change the number accordingly) and double click on it.
The console window will show the output of the example:
Buildfile: examples/mybatis/examples/build.xml run-example-01: [delete] Deleting directory examples/mybatis/examples/build [mkdir] Created dir: examples/mybatis/examples/build [javac] Compiling 4 source files to examples/mybatis/examples/build [echo] [java] List of all vehicles, before changes: [java] ID, BRAND, MODEL, USED, CURRENT_MILEAGE, PURCHASED_ON [java] [1, Kia, Soul, true, 28500, 2014-03-14] [java] [2, Toyota, Tercel, false, 26, 2017-01-28] [java] [3, DeLorean, DMC-12, true, 241689, 1982-11-17] [java] [java] New vehicle Skoda added. New ID=4. Rows inserted=1 [java] [java] DeLorean found. [java] [java] DeLorean updated. Rows updated=1 [java] [java] Toyota deleted. [java] [java] List of all vehicles, after all changes: [java] ID, BRAND, MODEL, USED, CURRENT_MILEAGE, PURCHASED_ON [java] [1, Kia, Soul, true, 28500, 2014-03-14] [java] [3, DeLorean, DMC-12, true, 270500, 1982-11-17] [java] [4, Skoda, Octavia, false, 7, 2017-01-24] BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1 second
That's it! The example application ran as expected.
You can run the example multiple times if needed. Once you're done
with it, don't forget to shutdown the H2 database. Find the task
and double-click on it. The console window will open and show
something like:
Buildfile: examples/mybatis/examples/build.xml stop-h2-database: -issue-h2-stop: [java] Shutting down TCP Server at tcp://localhost:12345 [echo] [ H2 local database has been stopped ] -h2-already-stopped: BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 2 seconds
This means the database is now shut down. If you're not sure you stopped H2 it's safe to run this task multiple times; if H2 is already down it won't stop it again.
Also, as a bonus the database data with all changes produced by the example is actually kept on disk. If you start H2 again you will see the data you modified in the previous session, and will remain there until you re-initialize the database again.