Advanced Database Persistence for Java

Examples & Reference Manual


Example 15 - Database Transactions

This example shows how to use database transactions.

The DAOs for MyBatis operate by default in auto-commit mode. That is, every single insert, delete, and update commits its execution right away without need to specify it.

However, when transactions are required to group multiple database operations the DAOs provide a simple TxManager object that allows the code to initiate, commit, rollback, and free transaction resources.

Since behind the scenes MyBatis is controlling all transactions, many features of it are available such as locally controlled transactions, or participation in external transactions using JTA.

Transactions can also be linear or interleaved, the latter only available if supported by the database and JDBC driver.

Example Source Code

package examples;

import java.sql.SQLException;

import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.TransactionIsolationLevel;
import org.hotrod.runtime.tx.TxManager;

import daos.BranchDAO;

 * Example 15 - Transactions & Isolation Levels
 * @author Vladimir Alarcon
public class Example15 {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {

    System.out.println("=== Running Example 15 - Transactions & Isolation Levels ===");

    // 1. No Transaction

    transferNoTransaction(101, 102, 500);
    System.out.println(" ");
    System.out.println("1. No Transaction.");

    // 2. Standard Transactions

    transferStandardTransaction(101, 102, 500);
    System.out.println(" ");
    System.out.println("2. Standard Transactions.");

    // 3. Custom Transactions (with isolation level)
    // Case #3 is for documentation purposes only and does not work in H2 1.3.x
    // Case #3 should work on advanced RDBMS such as DB2 or Oracle.

    transferCustomTransaction(101, 102, 500);
    System.out.println(" ");
    System.out.println("3. Custom Transactions (with isolation level).");

    // 4. Interlaced Transactions
    // Case #4 is for documentation purposes only and does not work in H2 1.3.x
    // Case #4 should work on advanced RDBMS such as DB2 or Oracle.

    transferInterlacedTransactions(101, 102, 500, 13, 104, 200);
    System.out.println(" ");
    System.out.println("4. Interlaced Transactions.");

    System.out.println(" ");
    System.out.println("=== Example 15 Complete ===");


   * No Transaction
   * There is no safety in term of transactions.
   * By default there are no transactions in place if not specified and the
   * persistence works in auto-commit mode. If there's a failure between both
   * updates the tables may end up in the wrong state.
   * Cash may disappear since one update completed and the second never was
   * executed!
  public static void transferNoTransaction(final Integer from, final Integer to, final Integer amount)
      throws SQLException {

    BranchDAO b1 =;
    BranchDAO b2 =;

    b1.setCurrentCash(b1.getCurrentCash() - amount);
    b1.update(); // updates branch #1

    b2.setCurrentCash(b2.getCurrentCash() + amount);
    b2.update(); // updates branch #2


   * Standard Transaction
   * The transaction is safe. If there's a failure between both updates the
   * whole transaction is rolled back and no changes are performed. The database
   * reverts to the initial consistent state. There's no lost cash under
   * hardware or software failures.
  public static void transferStandardTransaction(final Integer from, final Integer to, final Integer amount)
      throws SQLException {

    TxManager txManager = null;
    try {

      txManager = BranchDAO.getTxManager();

      BranchDAO b1 =;
      BranchDAO b2 =;

      b1.setCurrentCash(b1.getCurrentCash() - amount);
      b1.update(); // updates branch #1

      b2.setCurrentCash(b2.getCurrentCash() + amount);
      b2.update(); // updates branch #2


    } finally { // Always free resources in the finally clause!
      if (txManager != null) {


   * Transaction with specified Isolation Level
   * In this case, the MyBatis SqlSession object is retrieved and customized to
   * set the Isolation Level.
   * The transaction is started in a custom way.
   * The transaction is safe. If there's a failure between both updates the
   * whole transaction is rolled back and no changes are performed. The database
   * reverts to the initial consistent state.
   * There's no lost cash under hardware or software failures.
  public static void transferCustomTransaction(final Integer from, final Integer to, final Integer amount)
      throws SQLException {

    System.out.println("[ 5. Single custom transaction ]");

    TxManager txManager = null;
    try {

      txManager = BranchDAO.getTxManager();
      SqlSession sqlSession = txManager.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(TransactionIsolationLevel.SERIALIZABLE);

      BranchDAO b1 =;
      BranchDAO b2 =;

      b1.setCurrentCash(b1.getCurrentCash() - amount);
      b1.update(); // updates branch #1

      b2.setCurrentCash(b2.getCurrentCash() + amount);
      b2.update(); // updates branch #2


    } finally { // Always free resources in the finally clause!


   * Interlaced Transactions
   * These are multiple simultaneous transactions on the same JDBC Connection
   * object. Each one uses separate SqlSession objects, and demarcates
   * transactions using the begin(), commit() and/or rollback() methods.
   * This functionality is heavily dependent on the RDBMS and the JDBC driver.
   * Sometimes interlaced transactions are genuine, sometimes are simulated
   * under the hood, sometimes are not supported at all.
   * Both transactions are safe. If there's a failure between the updates the
   * uncommitted transactions are rolled back and no changes are performed on
   * their behalf. The database reverts to the initial consistent state.
   * Committed transactions are not reverted.
   * There's no lost cash under hardware or software failures.
  public static void transferInterlacedTransactions(final Integer from1, final Integer to1, final Integer amount1,
      final Integer from2, final Integer to2, final Integer amount2) throws SQLException {

    TxManager txManager = null;
    SqlSession sqlSession1 = null;
    SqlSession sqlSession2 = null;

    try {

      txManager = BranchDAO.getTxManager();
      sqlSession1 = txManager.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession();
      sqlSession2 = txManager.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession();

      BranchDAO b1 =, from1);
      BranchDAO b2 =, to1);

      BranchDAO b3 =, from2);
      BranchDAO b4 =, to2);

      b1.setCurrentCash(b1.getCurrentCash() - amount1);
      b1.update(sqlSession1); // updates branch #1

      b3.setCurrentCash(b3.getCurrentCash() - amount2);
      b3.update(sqlSession2); // updates branch #3

      b2.setCurrentCash(b2.getCurrentCash() + amount1);
      b2.update(sqlSession1); // updates branch #2

      sqlSession1.commit(); // first commit

      b4.setCurrentCash(b4.getCurrentCash() + amount2);
      b4.update(sqlSession2); // updates branch #4

      sqlSession2.commit(); // second commit

    } finally { // Always free resources in the finally clause!
      // Under a failure a SqlSession.close() automatically rolls back.
      try {
      } finally {
        try {
        } finally {



How to Run this example

The Example 15 is included in the download package. To run this example please refer to the section How to Run the Examples above.

Case #1: No transaction

This case implements a cash transfer between two branches, that requires to decrement the cash on one and increment it on the other one.

Both SQL updates are executed without any transaction declaration. Since by default HotRod works in auto-commit mode, these operations are independent and are committed immediately and separately. A system crash could produce inconsistencies in the database state.

Case #2: Standard transaction

This case implements a cash transfer between two branches, that requires to decrement the cash on one and increment it on the other one.

Both SQL updates are executed within a transaction. These operations are not independent and are committed at once by the commit() method. A system crash will not produce inconsistencies in the database state.

Case #3: Custom transaction

This case implements a cash transfer between two branches, that requires to decrement the cash on one and increment it on the other one.

The transaction raises the isolation level to SERIALIZABLE to prevent some level of concurrency in the database.

Both SQL updates are executed within a transaction. These operations are not independent and are committed at once by the commit() method. A system crash will not produce inconsistencies in the database state.

Note: Custom options on transaction may not be supported by all databases.

Case #4: Interlaced transactions

This case implements TWO cash transfers between four branches IN PARALLEL, that requires to decrement the cash on two of them and increment it on the other two.

Note: Interlaced transactions are not common. You may want to use them on specialized cases when you really want some fine grained control over them. Even there, it's usually better to leave these intricacies to the data source pooling solution or application server.

Note: Interlaced transactions may not be supported by all databases.

All four SQL updates are executed intertwined in two SEPARATE independent transactions.  A system crash will not produce inconsistencies in the database state. Also, a commit or rollback on one of the transactions does not produce a commit or rollback on the other one (they are fully independent).