Advanced Database Persistence for Java

Examples & Reference Manual


Example 6 - Navigating Foreign Keys

This example shows how to navigate from one DAO object to obtain related DAO object using the database foreign key relationships. This functionality is available on all database tables that are related using foreign keys.

Example Source Code

package examples;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;

import daos.BranchDAO;
import daos.ClientDAO;
import daos.VehicleDAO;
import daos.primitives.ClientDAOPrimitives.ClientDAOOrderBy;
import daos.primitives.VehicleDAOPrimitives.VehicleDAOOrderBy;

 * Example 06 - Navigating Foreign Keys
 * @author Vladimir Alarcon
public class Example06 {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {

    System.out.println("=== Running Example 06 - Navigating Foreign Keys ===");

    // 1. Navigate to parent
    // Example: Get the parent branch row for a vehicle row, using the branch_id
    // FK that points to the branch table

    VehicleDAO v =; // get the Yamaha motorcycle
    BranchDAO b = v.selectParentBranchDAO().byBranchId();
    System.out.println("1. Navigate to parent - the branch for the Yamaha motorcycle is: " + b.getName());

    // 2. Navigate to Children
    // Example: Get all the vehicles for a branch 101

    BranchDAO b2 =;
    List<VehicleDAO> vehicles2 = b2.selectChildrenVehicleDAO().byBranchId();
    Utilities.displayVehicles("2. Navigate to Children:", vehicles2);

    // 3. Navigate to Children With Ordering
    // Example: Get all the vehicles for a branch row, order by brand, then
    // purchased_on descending

    BranchDAO b3 =;
    List<VehicleDAO> vehicles3 = b3.selectChildrenVehicleDAO().byBranchId(VehicleDAOOrderBy.BRAND,
    Utilities.displayVehicles("3. Navigate to Children With Ordering:", vehicles3);

    // 4. Reflexive Navigate to Parent
    // Example: Find out who referred Gunilla

    ClientDAO c1 =; // Gunilla's ID
    ClientDAO p1 = c1.selectParentClientDAO().byReferredById();
    System.out.println(" ");
    System.out.println("4. Reflexive Navigate to Parent - Gunilla's referrer is: " + p1.getName());

    // 5. Reflexive Navigate to Children
    // Example: Find out who has been referred by Jane

    ClientDAO c2 =; // Jane's ID
    List<ClientDAO> clients2 = c2.selectChildrenClientDAO().byReferredById();
    Utilities.displayClients("5. Reflexive Navigate to Children:", clients2);

    // 6. Reflexive Navigate to Children With Order
    // Example: Find out who has been referred by Jane, ordered by creation date
    // descending, then by name (ascending, case insensitive).

    ClientDAO c3 =; // Jane's ID
    List<ClientDAO> clients3 = c3.selectChildrenClientDAO().byReferredById(ClientDAOOrderBy.CREATED_AT$DESC,
    Utilities.displayClients("6. Reflexive Navigate to Children With Order:", clients3);

    System.out.println(" ");
    System.out.println("=== Example 06 Complete ===");



How to Run this example

The Example 06 is included in the download package. To run this example please refer to the section How to Run the Examples above.

Case #1: Navigate to parent

The retrieve the parent row use one of the out-of-the-box selectParentDAO() methods that returns a single row.

This is demonstrated navigating from the table VEHICLE to the table BRANCH .

Case #2: Navigate to children

To retrieve children rows use one of the out-of-the-box selectChildrenDAO() methods that return a list of rows.

This is demonstrated navigating from the table BRANCH to the table VEHICLE .

Case #3: Navigate to children with ordering

To retrieve children rows use one of the out-of-the-box selectChildrenDAO() methods that return a list of rows. Add extra parameters to the method to specify the ordering.

This is demonstrated navigating from the table VEHICLE to the table BRANCH .

Case #4: Reflexive navigate to parent

The retrieve the parent row use one of the out-of-the-box selectParentDAO() methods that returns a single row. There's no difference compared to the navigation to a different table.

This is demonstrated navigating from the table CLIENT to the table CLIENT .

Case #5: Reflexive navigate to children

To retrieve children rows use one of the out-of-the-box selectChildrenDAO() methods that return a list of rows. There's no difference compared to the navigation to a different table.

This is demonstrated navigating from the table CLIENT to the table CLIENT .

Case #6: Reflexive navigate to children with ordering

To retrieve children rows use one of the out-of-the-box selectChildrenDAO() methods that return a list of rows. Add extra parameters to the method to specify the ordering. There's no difference compared to the navigation to a different table.

This is demonstrated navigating from the table CLIENT to the table CLIENT .